Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Am NOT Happy

I am not happy. And while the meaning of happiness has a
culturally-defined, geographically-determined and time-specific
nature, I simply mean I am utterly displeased with the way things
are going. With less than 40 days left in this sem and my grades
in perpetual detriment, I am really not happy.

Other I-am-not-happy reasons:

I failed a math test.
I'm poor.
I'm tired.
It's humid.
I don't have anyone to talk to.
I'm poor.
I feel stupid.
I haven't watched Life with Derek for months.
I have 4 papers left to write.
I'm poor.
I have two presentations to plan.
I have an exam on Thursday.
Anoop Desai did not make it to AI top twelve.
I commute for two-and-a-half hours for four days each week, and it's taking its toll on me.
My dog broke a paw.
My neighbors are noisy.
I need an attitude adjustment.
Did I mention "I'm poor?"

All this makes me a cranky seventeen year with sharp nails and a rusty samurai sword. Beware.

When people are not happy, they do a number of crazy things.
Some people write books, which is probably why Ambrose Bierce
came up with such a masterpiece. Happy people write things like
the Shopaholic series, not The Devil's Dictionary. Some people
book reservations in the nearest hotel with rooms of soft walls,
and some simply wallow in self-pity until they're suffering from
pity sickness. (The latter describes me.) Some people commit
suicide, which I think is The Ultimate Personal Experience. But
since the only experiences I'm interested in are the ones I can
write about afterward, I can't kill myself. Unless there is in
existence a genuine psychic who can channel my thoughts and
write them down. Now there's a bestseller.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say: I am not happy. I can't come
up with a post with actual relevance in this state of mind. And
while I may laugh or smile or even joke when you talk to me, that
just means I'm being polite. I am not turning emo, either, because
I'd sooner hurt somebody else than hurt myself.

I have to end this now to start reviewing for Math and Chemistry.
And that is definitely not going to do any favors for my mood.

Why do I have to learn these things anyway? I don't care about
those triangles and those triple bonds. I have absolutely no use for
them in my life. They're a waste of my time and effort!

"People always question what they can't handle."

Shut up, voice of reason. I'm wallowing here.

1 comment:

  1. anoop dog got cut? that sucks. I like the big guy though the one that sang "I don't wanna be" by gavin degraw which is the theme song of One Three Hill.
    cheer up the law of averages dictates that everything eventually levels out.
